MIL-DTL-38726B Period inspection report. Failure to submit the report within 30 days after the end of each 12-
month period may result in loss of qualification for the product. In addition to the periodic submission of
inspection data, the manufacturer shall immediately notify the qualifying activity at any time during the 12-
month period that the inspection data indicates failure of the qualified product to meet the requirements of
this specification. If there has been no production during the reporting period, a report shall be submitted
certifying that the manufacturer still has the capability and facilities necessary to produce the qualified
product. If there has been no production during two consecutive reporting periods, the manufacturer may
be required, at the discretion of the qualifying activity, to submit his qualified product for testing in
accordance with the qualification inspection requirements.
4.4.6. Failures. One or more failures shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification.
4.4.7 Test plans. Test plans shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements of
the qualification activity. The method of qualification proposed by the contractor is subject to the approval
of the qualification activity. Manufacturers shall discuss with the qualifying activity the test specimens and
test plans. These plans shall state specifically the component requirement to be verified during the test,
such as test fixtures, setup, conditions, and identification of the successor failure criteria shall be included
as appropriate.
4.5 Conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Inspection of product for delivery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of individual
4.5.2 Individual inspection. Individual inspection shall consist of the inspections specified in table VI
in the order shown. The visual and mechanical inspection will be 100% unless another sampling plan is
approved in writing by the qualifying activity.
TABLE VI. Individual inspections.
Requirement paragraph
Test method paragraph
Examination of product
4.5.3 Nonconformance of individual inspections. If one or more defects are found in the inspection
sample, both the qualifying and inspection activities shall be immediately notified and the production lot
shall be rejected and not be supplied to this specification. Acceptance and shipment of the product shall
be discontinued until corrective action, acceptable to the qualifying activity, has been taken. The
corrective measures shall be performed on the materials or processes, or both, as warranted, and on all
products considered subjected to the same failure. Once the corrective action has been completed,
either the specific sampling test in which the original sample failed or all sampling tests may be required
to be repeated on additional samples, at the option of the qualifying activity. However, final acceptance
shall be withheld until testing has shown that the corrective action was successful. In the event of a
failure after re-inspection, information concerning the failure and the corrective action taken shall be
furnished to both the qualifying and inspection activities. Production lot. A production lot shall consist of adapter assembly of one size and one
material manufactured on the same production line(s) by means of the same production techniques,
materials, controls, and design during the same continuous production run. Inspection sample. An inspection sample shall be product randomly selected from the
production lot without regard to quality. The sample size shall be as specified in table VII.
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