4.3.4 Inspection routine. Qualification inspection shall consist of the tests listed in table II, in the
order shown. The tests that apply to each of the four components, adapter, nozzle, pressure cap, and
dust cap shall be as indicated in table II.
TABLE II. Qualification inspection.
Test method
Examination of product
Connect and disconnect
Operation and leakage
Low temp leakage
High temp leakage
Pressure drop
Side load
Poppet spring
Vibration and leakage
Fire proof
Disassembly and inspection
4.3.5 Failures. One or more failures shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification approval.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be performed on sample units
produced with equipment and procedures normally used in production. Manufacturers shall keep lot
records for 3 years minimum, monitor for compliance to the prescribed procedure, and observe that
satisfactory manufacturing conditions and records on lots are maintained for those connectors. The
records shall be available for review by customers at all times.
4.4.1 Inspection lot. An inspection lot shall consist of all adapters, nozzles, pressure caps or dust
caps produced under essentially the same conditions, and offered for inspection at one time.
4.4.2 Inspection of product for delivery. Group A inspection shall consist of the inspections
specified in table III, in the order shown.
TABLE III. Group A inspection.
Test method
Examination of product
Connect and disconnect 1/
Pressure test 1/
1/ Adapter and nozzle only. Sampling plan (group A). Group A inspections (table III) shall be performed on a production
lot basis. Samples shall be selected as specified in table IV. If one or more defects are found, the lot
shall be screened for that particular defect and defective parts removed. A new sample of parts shall be
selected as specified in table IV and all group A tests again performed. If one or more defects are found
in the second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
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