M83798/6-10L-H indicates: 7/8″ fitting, flareless, swivel nut, 90 degrees, with lockwire hole, with zinc
phosphate finish on nipple and nut.
Nut and nipple material and finish code for steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5) are specified in table I.
TABLE I. Nut and nipple material and finish code. 1/
PIN code
Plating Finish
dash letter
Cadmium plating in accordance with
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
SAE-AMS-C-81562, type II, class 3 or
SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416, type II, class 2.
Aluminum (sizes -6 and above) Anodize in accordance with MIL-A-8625, type II.
Aluminum-nickel in accordance with ASTM F1136,
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
grade 3, NC.
Anodize in accordance with MIL-A-8625, type II with
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) trivalent
Aluminum (sizes -6 and above)
chromium pretreatment (TCP) in accordance with MIL-
DTL-81706, type 2, class A.
Cadmium plating in accordance with
SAE-AMS-C-81562, type II, class 3 or
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416, type II, class 2 with NAVAIR
TCP in accordance with MIL-DTL-81706, type 2, class
Zinc phosphate finish in accordance MIL-DTL-16232
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
type Z, class1. 2/
Zinc plating in accordance with ASTM B633; type II or
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
III, Fe/Zn 5, or ASTM B695, type II, class 5.
NAVAIR TCP in accordance with MIL-DTL-81706, type
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
2, class A.
Zinc plating in accordance with ASTM B633; type VI,
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
Fe/Zn 5.
Corrosion resistant steel
No additional finish. Passivation in accordance with
(sizes -3, -4, and -5)
SAE-AMS2700, method 2.
Titanium (all sizes)
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
Zinc-nickel in accordance with SAE-AMS2417, type 1.
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
Zinc any type above PIN code F, G, H, J, K, R, V
Zinc any type above PIN code F, G, H, J, K, R, V with
Steel (sizes -3, -4, and -5)
trivalent chromium pretreatment (TCP) in accordance
with MIL-DTL-81706, type 2, class A.
1/ Shall be capable of withstanding minimum of 96 hours salt spray.
2/ Hexavalent chromium free.
Guidance on use of alternative parts with less hazardous or nonhazardous materials. This
specification provides for a number of alternative plating materials via the PIN. Users should select
the PIN with the least hazardous material that meets the form, fit and function requirements of their
Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes
with respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.
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